Wrestling has been part of many lives. While some would rather look on disdain upon the culture of sports entertainment, there are many of us who grew up watching hulkamania running wild or Rick rude gyrating his hips or for the younger generations watching Dx, waging a war on wcw.
While many claim it is a mockery of 'real' sport, how many of us have seen diving in football, or weird dancing moves at the end of a touchdown and not cringe at the 'fakeness' of it?
Does wrestling really deserve such a bad rep? The injuries are pretty bad when it happens( the dynamite kid, stone cold..) deaths have even occurred (OwenHeart).
With all this blood, high flying acrobatics and death defying stunts, you would think they would be canonized or sent to a mental asylum, instead they challenge their bodies and themselves to reach greater heights.
So mainstream has it been that some even go on to hold public office. Remember Jesse the Body Ventura? Well he is one such example. With the recent debate on puthucheary being introduced to be an mp, I would like to invite on behalf of the people, Two such icons to become Singapore citizens and represent us. Step forward candidate number 1:
Duane Johnson, The Rock!
Who else can lead the people but the peoples' champion? Bringing it to parliament and laying the smack down on overpaid, head in the cloud, jabroni waanabies , already an A lister , he would definitely be able to move on to become even the prime minister of Singapore. He would need a strong deputy who while enforcing the law, would still keep him in check. Step forward...
STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN. He would let out a can of whoop ass if anyone tried to sue him for insubordination. And heaven forbid if they ask him why he said so. (Do I hear a 'what'?)
All it would take is two years from citizenship and as they have already sweat blood and tears for the people, they would be the perfect people to take over.
So let's give it out for the two.
PM Duane the Rock Johnson
Stone Cold Steve Austin